Viewing datasets on map

Viewing datasets on map

Do you want to see your datasets in action? Just click the GeoData button in the top part of your page, then choose the Board option from the dropdown menu.

Here, you will see a page with a few panels. Let’s introduce you to each of them and learn about their functions.

To close a panel for a better view, you need to move your mouse pointer into the panel. An Χ button will appear in the upper right corner of the panel. Click it to hide the panel from view.

Panel menu

The panel menu is visible if you hid at least one panel. It is shown on the left side of the panels. By clicking on the name of a panel, you will expand the panel.


In the Datasets panel, you can see all your datasets listed. Here, you are able to toggle which datasets you want to display on the map. Clicking within a dataset’s button (highlighted in gray) but not on the toggle will focus it, so you may change its filters in the next panel.

In the Datasets panel, you can see three different states of items.

  • The first one, highlighted in darker blue, indicates that this dataset is active and its points are visible on a map and filters are displayed for this dataset.

  • The second one, highlighted in light blue, indicates that this dataset is active and its points are visible on a map.

  • The third one, without a highlighted background, indicates that this dataset is not active and its points are not visible on a map.


This panel contains the filters you have enabled in the dataset configuration. To see available filters, you have to enable the dataset on the board and then click on dataset name. Filters allow you to further filter the contents of your dataset — for example, you can filter issues by their priority.


In the Search panel, you can search for an address where you want your map to be focused. Just type the address into the search field and either press Enter key or click on the magnifying glass button. Then choose from the found addresses, and the map will focus on the location you chose.

Map view

The Map view shows a map displaying markers corresponding to locations within your dataset’s objects. By default, modifying your filter or dataset choices will adjust the map so that all the locations are visible. This view provides you with a clear overview of the locations associated with your issues, tailored to your preferences.

You can click and drag to move around on the map. To zoom, you can use the + and - buttons on the left side of the map or the scroll wheel on your mouse. The Compass button will try to center the map on your current location. You can use the Layer selection widget in the top right corner to switch between Tile servers, if you have configured more than one in the app administration.

Right panel

The Right panel consists of two tabs — Locations and Routes.

Locations tab

By default, the Locations tab should be active and, you will find a list of locations currently visible on the map. The locations in the right panel are grouped by datasets, enhancing clarity and organization.

Routes tab

Above the list, you will also find the following buttons:

  • Fit map to dataset bounds — This button controls the previously mentioned automatic map adjustment. Disabling this toggle will also cause all the issues from selected datasets to be listed below, not just the ones currently visible on the map.

  • Show connections — Display lines between a selected location and its related locations. Locations connected by blue lines are from the same Jira issue. Green lines are for locations from issues linked to the selected location’s issue.